Revisiting the Popular but False Dichotomy Between Knowledge and Practice

I recently came across a quotation which stated something along the lines of: “It doesn’t matter how much theological knowledge you have if it doesn’t change the way you live.” Something like that. Something involving the pitting of the mind against the heart, like head knowledge vs. heart knowledge, or knowledge against lifestyle, or information […]

Why Is It Called “Passion” Week? Etymology to the Rescue

This week, we celebrate and remember the final week of Jesus’s life and ministry before his death and resurrection, both events being cornerstones of the Christian faith. It is often called Passion Week, and the events leading up to his death are often called the Passion of the Christ (just like the movie!). But a […]

Bethlehem and Holy Places: What Makes a Space Sacred?

(A Sermon Delivered at the McMaster Divinity College Chapel on 10 December 2018) Today is the last chapel of the term at McMaster Divinity College, where this year we have been focusing on the theme of “holy places.” Throughout the term, we’ve had our speakers focus on various aspects of holy places, especially on various […]